• The Uruguayan authorities showcased El Naranjal Solar Park, operated by international firm Atlas Renewable Energy, a leader in renewable energy in Latin America, as an industry benchmark during the visit paid by Colombia’s environmental regulator, ANLA, as part of the knowledge exchange agreement existing between both countries on the subject matter. 
  • The company stands out as a leading standard for renewable energy generation in Latin America, demonstrating its capacity for execution and delivery with the highest regulatory and technical environmental compliance standards. Atlas recently announced its commitment to the Colombian market by entering into a strategic alliance with ISAGEN to promote renewable energies nationwide.   

Bogota, September 21, 2023. Within the framework of the collaboration agreement entered into by the governments of Colombia and Uruguay, centered on the exchange of knowledge and the promotion of infrastructure works known for their economic and environmental impact, Colombia’s environmental regulator, ANLA, visited the El Naranjal Solar Park operated by Atlas in Uruguay, a benchmark in the renewable energy industry. 

The visit included a property tour where the Colombian delegation got a first-hand look at the solar park’s operations, maintenance details, environmental good practices, and its relationship with the neighboring communities. Uruguay’s National Directorate of Quality Assurance for Environmental Assessment (DINACEA) was also part of the event.  

Construction of this solar park commenced in 2015, with operations beginning in 2017. El Naranjal has an installed capacity of 58.8 MWp, generating 109.1 GWh per year, equivalent to supplying clean energy to more than 58,800 homes. The solar park has more than 18,000 solar panels, sits on 150 hectares and avoids the emission of 42,000 tons of CO2 into the atmosphere.  

The visit included exchanging knowledge among those present, noting the importance of developing renewable energies in Uruguay, recognizing the industry’s role in the country’s decarbonization and energy independence, and its leadership on the subject matter in Latin America. 

In turn, Atlas proved to be a benchmark in renewable energy and environmental and social good practices before the Colombian authorities, standing out as an actor capable of executing and delivering clean energy projects under the highest standards, attributes the company brings to each project and region where it operates. 

In Colombia, Atlas seeks to develop, build and operate more than 1,000 MW of renewable energy projects in the coming years through strategic alliances with recognized market players, such as the one it recently entered into with ISAGEN, and national authorities to ensure a fair and sustainable energy transition.  

About Atlas Renewable Energy  

Atlas Renewable Energy is an international renewable energy generation company with over 4 GW of contracted projects, of which 2.2 GW are operational. Atlas has specialized in developing, financing, constructing, and operating renewable energy projects throughout the Americas since early 2017. The company has an experienced team with a deep global power market and renewable energy expertise, with the longest track record in the renewable energy industry in the Americas and Europe.   

The company’s strategy is focused on helping large corporations make the energy transition to 100% clean energy. Atlas Renewable Energy is widely recognized for its high standards in developing, constructing, and operating large-scale projects, as well as its deep and long-standing track record in ESG and sustainable development. For more information, please visit www.AtlasRenewableEnergy.com.  

Press contact:  

Alvaro Rincón Bieri  

Mobile phone: 31 5363 7503 
